Research and regional experiences demonstrate the benefits of multiuse trails, yet nearby residents often raise concerns. This session will cover the potential impacts of trails and answer the question: Why build them? It will explain how local plans for extending trails and connecting them to regional networks were developed, where they are wanted, and their anticipated timeline. Above all, it explores how this process can make the community stronger and improve the true sense of place.
Location: Corry Higher Education Council, 221 N Center Street, Corry, PA 16407
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 6, 6-7:30PM
Admission: FREE
Kimberly Hawkes is a trail advocate from Columbus, Pennsylvania. She is the Founder of the Friends of the Corry Junction Greenway Trail, Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Alliance Vice President, and former Northwestern Pennsylvania Trail Association Grant Director. She focuses on enhancing local trails and bridging gaps in larger trail networks to provide opportunities for healthy activity, outdoor recreation, conservation, and trail use for economic development.