Fairview Satellite Update in Gaza: What's Happening, Where are We Now, Where is the World Headed?

September 30th,2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Professor/Instructor/Speaker: Baher Ghosheh, Ph.D. JES Scholar-in-Residence, JES Board of Trustees Chair

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has dragged on for decades. Thirty years after the Oslo Accords were supposed to end the conflict and pave the way for peace, recent events demonstrated that peace might be more elusive now that it was in the 20th century. The devastating "war" in Gaza in the aftermath of the shocking and brutal attack by Hamas clearly proved that there is no military solution to the conflict. Has the time finally come for Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs, and Americans to forge a lasting peace that will provide security and peace for Israelis and freedom and independence for Palestinians? Is there really light at the end of this dark tunnel that promises the dawn of a new Middle East? 

Location: Lincoln Community Center Library – 1255 Manchester Road, Erie, PA 16505

Date/Time: Monday, September 30, 6-7:30PM

Admission: FREE

Baher Ghosheh, Ph.D. JES Scholar-in-Residence, JES Board of Trustees Chair

Dr. Baher Ghosheh, Ph.D., is a scholar-in-residence at the Jefferson Educational Society in Erie, Pennsylvania. An expert in Middle Eastern Studies, he holds a Ph.D. in Economic Development from SUNY-Buffalo and was a Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, cultural and economic Geography at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania until retiring in 2022. He has graduate degrees in International Relations/Middle Eastern Studies, International Trade, and Comparative Economic Development. A native of Jerusalem, Dr. Ghosheh has lived in eight countries, traveled to 59 countries, and has taught in Japan, China, Russia, Italy, and Morocco. He was awarded a Fulbright to conduct research in Malaysia and Singapore and was selected as the Pennsylvania Geographer of the Year and Edinboro University’s Educator of the Year.