Global Summit 2022 speaker books are now available for purchase through the JES! Purchase your books through us and receive them at the event in time for book signing!
Policy, Politics, and International Affairs: From U.S.-Russian relations,
to her critically acclaimed book 'There Is Nothing for You Here'
Featuring Fiona Hill, Ph.D.
Fri., Nov. 4 (Gannon’s Highmark Events Center, Peach Street at S. Park Row, 7 p.m.)
James Madison: America's First Politician
Featuring Jay Cost, Ph.D.
Mon., Nov. 7 (Jefferson, 7:30 p.m.)
The Future of the American Presidency
Featuring John Dickerson, B.A.
Sun., Dec. 11 (Gannon’s Yehl at Waldron, 7:30 p.m.)