Mindfulness Lecture - March 20, 2020

Posted on March 20th, 2020

Check out Penny Mechley-Porter's video lecture on Mindfulness!

Click here to gain access to the video.

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New System Processing Tutorial

Posted on March 20th, 2020

Would you like to watch a step-by-step tutorial on how to use our new processing system?

Check out the video here!

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Watch Lecture from March 18, 2020

Posted on March 19th, 2020
Missed the live stream of Dr. Baher Ghosheh's "Afghanistan: When and How will America's Longest War End?" Check out the video here!...

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Jefferson's Response to COVID-19

Posted on March 16th, 2020

See what the Jefferson Educational Society is responding to COVID-19/Coronavirus updates.

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Watch Lecture from March 13, 2020

Posted on March 16th, 2020

Take a look at our Special Event presented on Friday, March 13, 2020 reagarding COVID-19/Coronavirus!

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Watch Lecture from March 12, 2020

Posted on March 16th, 2020
Missed out on the live-stream on Facebook presenting Dr. Judy Lynch's "History of Erie County's Responsibility of the Poor"? Watch the video here!...

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Jefferson Report on Erie Baseball Released

Posted on December 10th, 2019

Check out our most recent Jefferson Report on Erie Baseball.

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Jefferson Report Targets Food Deserts

Posted on November 20th, 2019

See the latest Jefferson Report on Food Deserts written by Julia Guerrein!

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