Upcoming Programs for the Week of 2/7/22
Critical Race Theory is Not the Issue: Claims, Fears, and History
Tuesday, February 8
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Jefferson Educational Society
Featuring Parris Baker, Ph.D.
CRT is not the Issue! Dr. Parris Baker will address the fears that "have spurred school boards and state legislatures from Tennessee to Idaho to ban teachings about racism in classrooms. The speaker will also refute recent claims centered on Critical Race Theory, suggesting all white people are racist oppressors and all Black people are victims of racial oppression and discrimination. The history of CRT will be defined, described, and discussed. Finally, the presenter will suggest some postulations that may help identify the fears and obsession with CRT.
President Lincoln's Unifying Leadership and Relevance for Today
Wednesday, February 9
4 -5:30 p.m.
Digital Program on JES Facebook Live
Featuring Charles Brock, M.Litt.
Drawing from his extensive research on U.S. presidents, Rev. Charles Brock will focus on President Abraham Lincoln's ability to unify Americans in a time of crisis and turmoil. Brock argues that we need another Lincoln today – badly. We need to reconcile our acute political differences. Noting that churches often cooperate now compared to when they certainly didn't before 1900, he asks if America could do the same in politics? For the future of the United States, he hopes we can.
Great Books Discussion Course: "Counterparts"
Thursdays: February 10 - March 17
3-4:30 p.m.
Jefferson Educational Society
Featuring Corrine Egan, B.A.
"Counterparts" presents pairs of contrasting texts that interact with one another in differing and surprising ways. These texts may take opposing views on issues or contend with ideas presented by other scholars. Together they offer a range of perspectives on topics such as art and war, love and fidelity, gender, aspiration, and death. The strong combination of modern and classic literature in Counterparts provides us with much to contemplate and discuss.