Winter 2023 Programming - Week 1
The Age of Humans (Anthropocene): Satellite View of Human Activity, Climate, and Environment
Thursday, February 2
7-8:30 p.m.
Jefferson Educational Society
Satellite imagery of Earth clearly shows large-scale products of earth systems and depictions of system interactions, often awesomely so. These orbital perspectives also commonly reveal the rapid, pervasive transformation of the surface of Earth by myriad human activities, a nod to the Anthropocene. Time-series images of specific localities demonstrate dramatic changes to settings and rapid responses of systems to human activities. This "time-lapse" imagery captures and chronicles the attributes of the Great Acceleration. They document that humans have become a dominant geologic force and are a primary change agent in the Earth system. Their use serves to raise awareness and understanding as well as to captivate and motivate.
Important to Note
- Location: Jefferson Educational Society-- 3207 State St. Erie, PA 16508.
- Date/Time: Thursday, February 2 @ 7 p.m.
- Admission: $10/person or $15 with a guest
Digital Programs
Commonwealth of Innovation: A policy agenda for revitalizing Pennsylvania’s economic dynamism
Tuesday, January 31
4 - 5:00 p.m. EST
JES Facebook Live
Featuring Mark Muro, M.A. and Robert Maxim, M.A.
Few states possess as many of the assets needed for innovation-driven growth as Pennsylvania. Powerhouse research universities are working on the most critical issues of the day in life sciences, AI, robotics, transportation, and energy. Breakout companies are making headlines and garnering major investments. And the diversity of talent across the state is contributing to a rich capacity for community-based innovation. In short, Pennsylvania has much of what it takes to be a winner on a national economic map characterized by a short list of "superstars" and a longer one of "left behind" places. And yet, for all that, Pennsylvania has not been able to convert its assets into abundant, high-quality economic growth or broad-based employment across an array of high-tech, high-pay advanced industries. Given that, Pennsylvania needs to unlock its innovation potential, which will require catalytic steps on the part of state government. Join Brookings Institution's senior fellow Mark Muro and senior research assistant Robert Maxim in a discussion of what's holding back Pennsylvania and state-level policy recommendations with an eye toward helping the new governor energize the state's innovation sector. Moderator is JES VP Ben Speggen.
Important to Note
- Location: JES Facebook Live
- Date/Time: Tuesday, January 31 at 4:00 p.m.
Still Life A 40 - Longest Coffee Table in the World on a German Autobahn
Wednesday, February 1
4 - 5:00 p.m. EST
JES Facebook Live
Featuring Michael Schwarze-Rodrian, M.S.
Germany's industrial heartland, Ruhr, has been experiencing structural change for more than 60 years. The decline of the former old heavy industries of coal and steel needed new answers, new strategies, and new projects. During the 1990s a unique workshop for the future of old industrial regions was performed with more than 100 single projects and 17 cities: the International Building Exhibition Emscher Park. These creative 10 years became a quality fundament of the development until today. In 2010 the Region was nominated as the European Capital of Culture Ruhr with the programmatic title: Change by Culture & Culture by Change. The public highlight of this year was the unique coffee table with 2 million people on Germanys Autobahn A 40. Michael Schwarze-Rodrian joined the last three decades of structural change as a landscape planner and a moderator of several inter-municipal cooperations in the Ruhr Region. Since 2012 he served as the EU Representative of the Region and promoted Green Infrastructures and integrated solutions for a sustainable region. He will describe the background of the unique coffee table and the ongoing context of structural change.
Important to Note
- Location: JES Facebook Live
- Date/Time: Wednesday, February 1 at 4:00 p.m. EST