
Lecturers at the Jefferson Educational Society

Carl Benn,

Dr. Carl Benn is Chair of the Department of History at Ryerson University in Toronto. Before joining the Faculty of Arts in 2008, he worked in the museum field for 34 years, most recently as Chief Curator of the City of Toronto’s Museums and Heritage Services, where he restored heritage properties, curated exhibits, and produced web and other public resources. Dr. Benn also taught part-time at the University of Toronto for 17 years in Continuing Studies, undergraduate History, and graduate Museum Studies, and has been active elsewhere in the heritage field. He has published extensively in journals and other venues, and his books include Historic Fort York (1993); The Iroquois in the War of 1812 (1998); The War of 1812 (2002); and Mohawks on the Nile: Natives Among the Canadian Voyageurs in Egypt, 1884-85 (2009). He currently is completing a book on aboriginal memoirs from 1812-15, and then intends to undertake research for a book on the Iroquois in the Pontiac War of the 1760s.