
Lecturers at the Jefferson Educational Society

Colleen Donaldson
Erie County Public Libraries

Colleen Murray-Donaldson, BFA, began her journey with the Erie County Public Library in 2019 as the branch manager for the Lincoln Community Center Library. Colleen’s background in education prepared her for some of what the position required, but she had a steep learning curve when it truly came to understand the science behind how libraries work. Colleen is a graduate of Edinboro University and has completed some graduate level classes at the University of Pittsburgh. She grew up in Erie in a working-class family. She attributes her success from her parent’s strong work ethic and their focus on having higher education. She is the first generation in her family to go to college. Colleen was just finishing up her degree in Fine Arts when her future mentor offered her a job in early childhood education. Falling in love with education, she extended her time at Edinboro University to include teacher certification and graduated with honors in 2000. She strongly believes that it is her many life experiences that have brought her here to serve the community through the library. She believes that life offers the best education, if one is open to really paying attention, which takes compassion and understanding. Most of her biggest life lessons have come from the many adventures that she and her spouse have had including raising a family.