
Programming at the Jefferson Educational Society

The Jefferson Educational Society offers different programs during the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall terms. Some of the past and current programs include the Global Summit, Metro 100, Brock Institute Lectures, Community Conversations, Jefferson Satellite programs, and other special programs.

Programming has been a cornerstone of the Jefferson Educational Society since its beginning. From the launch of the annual Global Summit, which itself grew from a two-and-half day series to one spread over six weeks, to the total of annual events to over 100, to the launch of the Satellite Programming initiative throughout Erie County, to the more than 200 digital programs livestreamed and broadcasted to the public during the pandemic and ongoing, JES programming continues to expand in an effort to make our events more accessible to the community in new ways.


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Jefferson Educational Society Announces An Initiative of the Jefferson Alliance for Community Progress: Erie County Civic Leadership Program

Posted on February 26th, 2015 at 9:00 AM


Jefferson Educational Society Announces

An Initiative of the Jefferson Alliance for Community Progress:

Erie County Civic Leadership Program


February 26 at 10 a.m. – The Jefferson Educational Society, Erie, Pa.’s non-partisan think tank founded to promote civic enlightenment and community progress for the Erie Region, will unveil the first initiative of the Jefferson Alliance for Community Progress at a press conference at 10 a.m. THURSDAY, FEB. 26.

Funded in part by the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority’s $100,000 Municipal Collaboration Grant received Thursday, Feb. 12, the JACP serves as the leadership-in-action arm of the Jefferson Educational Society with a mission of undertaking the 2015 JES initiatives and is a program intended to foster municipal collaboration and civic progress throughout Erie County.

Under the direction of Dr. Judy Lynch and Michael Fuhrman, the JACP – a three-part initiative – will begin with the Erie County Civic Leadership program (ECCL), a project-driven training initiative with a seven-month curriculum aimed at developing civic-oriented leaders throughout Erie County.

“The time is ripe for a formative program that builds upon all that has gone before,” says Michael Fuhrman, associate director of the JACP. “We are fortunate to have productive leaders who have made a difference.  We now need to create a new group of dedicated leaders who will provide the energy and direction for the next twenty years.”

According JACP Director Judy Lunch, “ECCL participants will learn firsthand what is happening in core sectors of Erie County, discover how these sectors are interrelated, examine how to be an agent of change in the community, benefit from being part of a diverse motivated peer group, connect with local leaders of the County, and undertake action to accomplish a civic project.”

More information about the ECCL, which will begin late April, will be presented to the public Thursday, Feb. 26 at 10 a.m. The media is encouraged to attend; spokespersons for the ECCL will be available for interviews after the announcement. 

For more information and details on current programming, please call the Jefferson Educational Society at 814.459.8000 or visit





Judy Lynch, Director of the Jefferson Alliance for Community Progress            



Michael Fuhrman, Associate Director of the Jefferson Alliance for Community Progress           




The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a nonprofit institution founded to promote civic enlightenment and community progress for the Erie Region through study, research and discussion. The Society offers courses, seminars and lectures which explain the central ideas which have formed the past, assist in exploring the present, and offer guidance to enhance the civic future of the Erie Region. As an Erie think tank, the Jefferson Educational Society promotes academic knowledge and civic pride through institutional and familial research, the publication of policy papers on public issues and the sponsorship of civic forums.