
Programming at the Jefferson Educational Society

The Jefferson Educational Society offers different programs during the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall terms. Some of the past and current programs include the Global Summit, Metro 100, Brock Institute Lectures, Community Conversations, Jefferson Satellite programs, and other special programs.

Programming has been a cornerstone of the Jefferson Educational Society since its beginning. From the launch of the annual Global Summit, which itself grew from a two-and-half day series to one spread over six weeks, to the total of annual events to over 100, to the launch of the Satellite Programming initiative throughout Erie County, to the more than 200 digital programs livestreamed and broadcasted to the public during the pandemic and ongoing, JES programming continues to expand in an effort to make our events more accessible to the community in new ways.

2024 SPRING TERM schedule

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Watch Lecture from March 18, 2020

Posted on March 19th, 2020 at 9:15 AM

Dr. Baher Ghosheh presented "Afghanistan: When and How will America's Longest War End?" on March 18, 2020 by live-streaming on Facebook Live.

Afghanistan has been dubbed the graveyard of empires. Many have tried to conquer but all have retreated in defeat. How will our longest war end? What does the future hold for Afghanistan and her long-suffering people?  

Find out by watching the lecture HERE.

Take a look at the PowerPint presentation included in the lecture HERE.