Raimy Fellows on Capitol Hill in May 2022
Raimy Fellowship Program at the Jefferson Educational SOciety
In addressing expressed interest from Civic Leadership Academy alumni to offer an additional focus on leadership theory, the Jefferson is proud to introduce the Raimy Fellowship Program. Raimy Fellows will study leadership and apply their knowledge to a practical policy problem in the local region and emerge prepared to assume an enhanced role in their organization and in the community.
As the culmination of their work, linking their research to the overall Leadership Academy group-action project, Fellows will produce a publishable, research-based action-agenda guiding civic engagement with the issue explored in the Civic Leadership Academy’s group-action project.
Those who complete the program will be designated Raimy Fellows on their Civic Leadership Academy certificate, potentially have the Jefferson Educational Society publish their project essay, and join the facilitator and others on a trip to Washington, D.C., to visit several policy institutes, research foundations, and to enjoy a tour of Capitol Hill and some of the capital’s monuments and other attractions.
Facilitator of the Raimy Fellowship Program is JES Scholar-in-Residence , Dr. Andrew Roth.
Raimy IdeaS
- "Country Music, Culture Wars, and Politics: Exploring Intersectionality at the Ballot Box" by Chelsea Oliver
- "Homelessness: A National Issue with Local Impact" by Damali Donovan
- "Empowering Erie: Building Bridges for Childcare Solutions" by Tamer Fahmy
- “Coworking in Erie: A Case Study of the Economic Impact of Radius CoWork and the Future of Work in Erie County, PA” by Jessica Taylor
- “Working with generation Z in Projects and Organizations” by Jake Marsh
- “Poverty is a Policy Choice: A Framework for a Guaranteed Income Pilot in Erie County, PA” by Susannah Faulkner
- “Legally Me: navigating Paper Barriers to Employment for the Transgender Applicant” by Sara Provencio
- “Connecting Erie – An Overview of High-Speed Passenger Rail Planning for Erie County, PA” by Corinne Thomas
- “The Urban Digital Divide Defined” by Matt Wiertel
- “Overcoming the Rural Digital Divide” by Jeff Styborski
- “Caring for Those Who Care for Us - impact of our pandemic year on essential worker” by Joe Cuneo and Brian Zona
- “Barriers to Entry faced by Minority-owned Businesses” by Seth Trott and Michael Outlaw
- “Erie Urban Garden Network to fight food insecurity” by YahMoorah Shakoor-Hooker
- “Sharing Skills can make a Difference” by April Soriano
- “Voting and Registration Differences in Erie PA” by Jim Wertz
Raimy IDEAS Raimy Fellows Digital Programs